Further to my original posts, here and here, a luta continua! I speculated in the first, semi seriously, that perhaps dark forces were behind all the shenanigans. It turns out that life is even stranger than paranoia. Take a look at this video. The relevant portion starts at 3:33 and goes on to 4:20. It seems that the Home Office finds it appropriate to indirectly determine who is and is not allowed to represent London Met staff on its Board of Governors by threatening actions that would mean the closure of the institution. What is, in a way, surprising is not the naked exercise of power, but the shameless openness of it.
Redux, my 2021 Conversation with Mark Carney
Here is the audio, video, and transcript. Excerpt: COWEN: You grew up in
Northwest Territories and also Alberta, so western Canada. How do you think
3 hours ago
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