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The opinions expressed on this page are mine alone. Any similarities to the views of my employer are completely coincidental.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Twenty five years of Work, Employment & Society

The journal Work, Employment & Society is celebrating  its 25th anniversary by, amongst other things, publishing a review symposium on a book published in 1987 - Lash & Urry's The End of Organized Capitalism. Each to their own taste. 

I do though know a funny story about this book, which, since I got it from a horse's mouth, I am going to assume is true. In my copy of the book -  the 1988 reprinting -  the final sentence reads:

 "All that is solid about organized capitalism, class, industry, cities, collectivity, nation state, even the word, melts into air." 

Puzzling as this is, the misprinted version in the 1987 first printing must have produced even more furrowed brows:

"All that is solid about organized capitalism, class, industry, cities, collectivity, nation state, even the world, melts into air." 

Post-modernism or apocalyptic prediction of nuclear holocaust?

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