A little while ago I linked to an interesting article by Edmund Chattoe-Brown about agent based models. It stimulated me to think about the conditions under which new methodological tools are adopted. Edmund got in touch and posed a few tough questions. I think we both found the dialogue useful and enlightening. We also thought that there might be at least a few people who would be interested in our conversation. So here it is, my part is in italics:
Dear Colin,
Thanks very much for
your kind mention of my article in your blog. I think I pretty much agree with
you (which is why I have been trying to publish more in "subject"
journals than simulation ones.) However, I have a couple of thoughts/comments:
1) What would you say, in your area (however
you define it) that a reasonable number of sociologists agree can't be done but
needs to be?
That is one hell of a question! I'm
not sure it's possible for me to imagine anything but a tiny group of
sociologists agreeing about anything. If I had to point to an area where it
seems to me that there is already an active interest in the sorts of things
that simulation can do, I would point to the interface between family sociology
and social demography. I'm thinking principally of the work of people like Rob
Mare and our own Francesco Billari. The kinds of things they are interested in
tend to be about how observed macro-level demographic patterns can emerge from
multiple micro-level processes with lots of endogeneity (ie "mediating
variables"). My guess is that there are probably lots of connections here
with social stratification, mobility, homogamy etc. The basic problem with
applications to the latter is that we are still struggling to accurately
describe what the basic patterns are.
2) Although it is difficult to generalize
reliably from one’s own experience, at least a couple of papers I have
published might fall under: "publication in mainstream journals of a few
articles reporting realistic applications to substantive problems that enough
sociologists care about that tell us something believable and important that we
didn’t know already." My BJS article "overturned" a result from
previous analysis which in turn was based on an extensive empirical literature going
back to the early seventies. (Are strict churches strong? Not in a properly
dynamic environment rather than a simplified partial equilibrium model.) My BJC
article showed that, for poor response rates (as you would expect in criminal
networks for example), unreliable qualitative "third party" data
might outperform quantitative data in reconstructing social networks.
(Something that both the rather formal SNA and "real" users of
network ideas, police forces, might want to know.) Now, of course, one can
always argue that the problems one tackles could be "more
substantive" or "more popular" than they are (and these articles
were considered good enough to go in reasonable journals at least) but I'm not
sure the response these papers have received is really in proportion to their
It seems to me you are doing the
right thing and one has to live in hope that if the message is read and
received by the right people and they realize that it will meet their needs
then they will take it up. Build it and they will come, if they have any need for
it. My guess is that road to Damascus conversions are rather rare. The basic
ideas about log-linear modelling had been knocking about in the early 1960s,
but it wasn't really until the late 1960s early 1970s that it got taken up in
the bio-medical field and it was only in the late 1970s that it really was first
introduced into the sociological mainstream. Undoubtedly a big impetus came
from the dissemination of Goodman's (relatively) user friendly ECTA program.
What is clear is that publication in methodological ghettos, SM, SM&R etc
doesn't necessarily reach the right audience. Also one shouldn't underrate the
role of arbitrage. There are some people (I won't name them!) who specialize in
"translating" the technical innovations from one field into another.
They are often very good at picking examples that will sell.
3) Ages
ago, Robert Andersen asked me why simulation and statistical data had so much
trouble "getting on". Like all good questions I have been thinking
about it on and off ever since. The other day, when trying to calibrate a
simulation of attitude change, I had a sudden (minor) epiphany. I needed to
know (very roughly) how often people discuss political matters. One large
reputable survey asks people to report ("never", "rarely",
"sometimes", "often") and another, equally large and reputable
reports ("daily", "several times a week",
"weekly", "monthly".) Both are perfectly OK if you want to
look at statistical association but one is completely useless if you want to
model an underlying process. I knew I wasn't imagining that there is more to these
issues that "just" data!
I agree and would go even further.
I'm not even sure the use of vague quantifiers is that enlightening in
social survey applications without some serious attempt being made to understand
how sub-populations understand the category labels. There are ways of modeling
this, for example Gary King has been a pioneer, but there are powerful
vested interests in the data collection world that sometimes inhibit sensible innovation.
And if a behaviour is well defined and the unit of time is sensibly chosen,
then I can't see why we shouldn't attempt to get frequencies. Of course,
it isn't always that straightforward. What is a political discussion? Is it a
discrete countable event with somewhat obvious boundaries like say
visiting your GP's surgery? Then there are questions of time units, seasonality
etc. And of course well known memory effects like telescoping.
4) You
talk about simulation models that should be "reporting realistic applications".
Statistics has many virtues but can its uses be assessed as realistic (or
otherwise?) To take another example I've just read. Simple regression
makes normality assumptions on data. Sometimes one can "fix" data
that fails to be suitably normal by logging the variable. For sure that solves
the technical problem but what do we conclude about an association between
something and "log age" (or age squared come to that). Is there a
danger that every method seems "realistic" to its advocates and what
we need are standards of realism that don't presume the virtues of a particular
I was thinking of
"realistic" here as meaning something like "a realistic degree
of complexity". I think - but this is just the impression of a possibly
naive but sympathetic observer - that "toy applications" don't do
much to persuade enthusiastic take-up. Another dimension of this problem would
be to say that demonstrating that a given outcome could be produced in a
particular (simplified) way, is not the same as demonstrating that it has in
fact been produced in this way. Of course this is not a problem that is any way
unique to simulation. If I think about the aggregate distribution of votes between
parties at an election what tends to impress me is that the reality is
that this is the result of lots of different decision processes that are going
on in different sub-populations. Therefore to propose a single "theory of
voting" is absurd. Some people are cogitating about the relative
advantages to them of voting one way or another, others are just doing what
they've always done or what their parents have done, some are voting
strategically and so on. All these processes are going on at the same time to
produce the aggregate outcome. In some sense an adequate model would try to
capture this (and perhaps produce as a by-product some sort of estimate of the proportions
In terms of statistics, the way I
look at it is that statistical models are just smoothing devices that permit
the estimation of some quantities that you happen to be interested in. How you
go on to explain whatever patterns are revealed is quite another matter (and
simulation has a big role to play here). This is, of course, not the standard
econometric justification - structural parameters and all that. If
economists have believable models and sensible identification techniques then
they should estimate their structural parameters. My feeling is that in
sociology we usually are a long way from this position, not because our
statistics are
no good, but more usually because either we don't have a good (precise enough) theory and/or because we don't have data that permit identification of what we are really interested in. Problems of, course remain even when we have identification - consider the classic experimental design. We have a well defined target and we have identification via randomization. But unless we have a good theory we also have a black box! Well, that discussion will take us off in another direction...
no good, but more usually because either we don't have a good (precise enough) theory and/or because we don't have data that permit identification of what we are really interested in. Problems of, course remain even when we have identification - consider the classic experimental design. We have a well defined target and we have identification via randomization. But unless we have a good theory we also have a black box! Well, that discussion will take us off in another direction...
To which Edmund replied in a follow up email:
On 1: _That's_ why we simulators find it hard to build
"generally appealing" models ... :) Interestingly, I certainly have
demography on my list, particularly having read with interest this http://ideas.repec.org/a/bla/popdev/v37y2011i1p89-123.html)
and seeing how statisticians, modellers (and even qualis) could have a debate around
what each method can contribute to this specific problem and why each thinks
that the other "hasn't got it". (One needs to convene a small
"fair/broad minded" group to discuss.)
On 3: This shades into "hard core" simulation
methodology (which even some simulators conveniently neglect). The biggest
critique I have tried to make (still unpublished interestingly) is that the
average simulation paper still has nothing to do with data (even when it is
virtually free) and the "field" has forgotten several old papers
(particularly Hagerstrand 1965 on spatial diffusion) which have higher
standards. (Bad news for "science".) To do something useful with
statistical data, a simulation doesn't necessarily have to have it exactly
right (because it doesn't feed straight into parameter estimation). Obviously a
model that is based on the idea that people talk about politics once a year not
once a day almost certainly won't produce good data but with all the other
social processes represented it may be that 1.5 times per week versus 1.8 times
per week won't alter the "basic qualitative behaviour"of the system
(like turning points versus trend). And sensitivity analysis can tell you
roughly where it is most important your data be accurate even before you
"get at" any real data.
On 4: There's a lot in this response.
1) "Realistic degree of complexity" is hard to nail
down. Qualis usually say that simulations are excessively formalistic and
simplistic. Quants (particularly economists) say they are needlessly complex
and ad hoc. This makes me laugh in seminars.) One argument I am trying out is
that we need to distinguish clearly between complexity we think exists and complexity
we can show _matters_. (Again, we need less "method embedded" ways to
justify the claim that a model is too simple or not simple enough: "Too
complicated for my taste" is not at all the same as "Too complicated".)
For sure, ethnographers can tell us all sorts of things about, for example,
family size aspirations (paper above) but how do we tell that these "add
up to" a particular pattern of family size (or that one couldn't do just as well with four key
variables). Conversely, quantitative researchers can't usually show that
process x (differing socially reproduced family norms for family size?) _doesn't_
affect outcomes because if they don't already have the data it is a huge faff to
collect and, in any event, some reasonable causes just aren't very quantifiable.
As far as I know, ABM is the only way that you can say "OK, we are now
going to give our agents brains - or social networks or whatever - and see how
much difference it makes". This is the "simulations as thought
experiments" idea. (One thing I find thought provoking is that I think
that Social Network Analysis fairly convincing that "networks matter"
and yet social statistics - which almost never includes network variables -
also seems to achieve sensible things. So is one approach "wrong"
about the fact that "networks matter" or is it that the methods just
aren't geared up to adjudicate on this? Perhaps networks _do_ matter but social
statistics can lose these effects in lower R2 and error terms in ways which
don't "ring any alarm bells" with practitioners.) On that score, what
do you think of the statistics in: http://cumc.columbia.edu/dept/healthandsociety/events/documents/Haynie.pdf
(network effects and delinquency.)
2) Mixtures of agents with different decision making
processes (including "no decision") are exactly something that ABM is
good at. (But you have to watch to make sure you don't get good fit by just adjusting
the fractions till the graphs match!)
All the best,