Before I tell my tale, let me make my position clear: 1) I don't know whether there is discrimination; 2) The evidence that has been put in the public domain is interesting, worth discussing, but very far from compelling; 3) I'm not a cheer leader for the Oxford admissions system; 4) I'm a believer in post A level grade admission to all universities, with, wherever feasible, grade threshold criteria (ie a driving test type set up in which everyone who meets the standard is eligible) for admission and a lottery in the event of over subscription. Before you tell me this is utopia, you should know that this has been and for all I know still is the way that the Netherlands handles entry to medical school. So, no interviews and no special tests unless there is an unarguable case for them, say on public interest grounds - ie given the restrictive practices of the BMA we might want to give a sleep deprivation tests to potential medics.
OK, so my story begins on 31st of January when I get the following email out of the blue from somebody called Kurien Parel:
Odd story for the
Telegraph to be running with is my first thought
, so
first I check this guy out. Googling the name brings up some hits for a someone who seems to have done a post-graduate degree at Cambridge and a bit of student journalism for Cambridge's
Varsity Online and not much else. Ah well, freelancers have to start somewhere.
I reply in an honest but bland way:
Dear Kurien
I'm afraid I'm not at all involved in undergraduate admissions (Nuffield
is a graduate college) so don't have anything enlightening or
knowledge based to say. You would be better off talking to tutors in the
u/g colleges who are directly involved in u/g admissions.
They are the people that make the decisions that count.
I would be interested to know though what new data you have on Oxbridge
admissions. I don't normally comment on anything unless I can examine
the primary evidence myself.
all best with your story
On the 6th of February I received another email:
Dear Colin
Sorry for not getting back earlier. We had sent the data to Oxford
admissions people and they disputed a minor detail which we now have
changed. The data has been (or is being) sent to them again for an
official review and comment before we go to the press.
I've attached the figures on a powerpoint which I have asked for Oxford
to review. Basically, I'm searching for dons who would like to comment
on the figures.
Let me know if you would be interested in commenting. I'll update you as to the Official response.
This had a powerpoint presentation attached to it consisting of a bunch of bar graphs of admission success rates by subject, ethnic group and A level grade. These were quite interesting, but I was still unclear about the nature of the data so next day I asked for more information:
Dear Kurien
Thanks for this, very interesting. I assume the data come from official
UCAS returns? I think there are too many "devil is in the details" type
questions that I'd want answers to before I'd venture any substantive
comment, basically I like to understand exactly
how the numbers are produced, but I can suggest something that would
make your story have more impact here. Unless you believe the admission
process is totally deterministic, admission depends, partly, on luck.
Year on year the dice can roll in different
ways. This in and of itself will generate apparent group differences.
Even if you have what appears to be a census this will be true.
Therefore you need to give the reader some sense of the likely
variability in your numbers that is attributable to the non
systematic part of the process that you believe is driving the
differences you illustrate. In other words, some confidence intervals
around your proportions are needed. I realize this is a big ask for a
newspaper audience, so in lieu of that you could add
the raw numbers to the bars, then the nit pickers can figure out for
themselves the likely chance variability and focus on the ones where
there are apparently real unexplained differences.
all best and good luck with your story
Later the same afternoon I got this reply and another powerpoint presentation:
Hi Colin
I think you are basically wondering if the numbers are
statistically valid. I don't think the trends seen are just a year on
year variation due to chance. I should have put some numbers under the
figures, so you could see there are sufficient numbers
in the data to give it validity. The data is for three years from
I'll ask that some numbers are put when the story is published. I
didn't do a statistical validity test for all the plots. I did one for
the medicine plot and got a very low p number (less than 10^-12) and
I've had it confirmed by someone else that p
was less than 0.0001 for null hypothesis all applicants with the same
grade has an equal chance of admission. The data actually was provided
by the University. I've attached the slides with the numbers for the
most important plots.
The plots with Indian and Chinese applicants are only there to
show even those groups with higher on average A level scores still
underperform quite substantially in the interview.
The only other caveat is that applicants for 2009 didn't have A*,
which basically means the columns A*AA and higher grades are for
applicants from 2010 and 2011, and in the plots applicants with AAA have
relatively higher success rates (Oxford gave the
data like that).
Thanks again
And shortly afterwards I was sent an Excel spreadsheet with the raw numbers in it. On the 8th, after spending some time looking at the numbers I replied in the following vein:
Dear Kurien
Many thanks again. I think I can give you a comment now, several in fact.
To make things concrete let's focus on Medicine. I attach the PDF of a
plot that that I constructed from the numbers you kindly sent me.
it shows is that for 3 out of the 4 possible contrasts there is
evidence that the two ethnic groups differ in the
offer rate. In the 4th (the A*AA group) the difference between the
groups could plausibly be accounted for by random error. Put this way
the evidence looks a little more modest than the impressively small p.
values you calculate. But, a reasonable person
would, I think, begin to be persuaded that there is something worth
looking into here. The question is, what?
Would, for instance, a reasonable person be justified in believing that
graphs like this constituted strong evidence for an explanation in terms
of discrimination - either conscious or unconscious? They might be
tempted to: but they would be wrong. Now I'll
tell you why I think that.
The main reason is very straightforward. These data don't actually tell
us what we want to know. If I understand the information correctly the A
level grades are (for the most part) those obtained after an offer has
been made to a candidate. So at the point
an offer is made the admission tutor doesn't actually know what grades
the candidate has obtained. They will, of course, have other exam
performance information about the candidates- GCSE, AS levels and
predicted A2 grades - and it is these, not the A2
grades candidates actually obtain that should be used in a
like-for-like comparison. To do otherwise is to put the admissions
tutors in the dock for (apparently perversely) disregarding information
that, at the time they made the decision, they could not
possibly have known. To put it another way, candidates that look
similar in terms of the A2 grades they achieve may actually look quite
different in terms of the exam profile they presented at the time offers
were made. Is this actually the case? I don't know,
but I would want to know it before I leaped to the conclusion that
admission tutors were doing something they should not be doing.
The second problem with these data is that they don't capture an
important part of the admissions process - the candidates choice of
college. About 80% of applicants make a specific college choice. Some
colleges are much more popular than others ie Balliol
and some much less popular ie St Hilda's. If you apply to a very
popular college your chances of being accepted by that college are, by
definition, lower than if you apply to a less popular college. I'm told
that serious efforts are made to pass promising
candidates who fail to get into their chosen college on to other
colleges for consideration. How successful those candidates eventually
are I don't know, but their chances of admission can hardly be enhanced
by being passed around. For better or worse Oxford
is a collegiate university and the influence of the colleges,
especially at u/g level is very strong. To cut a long story short, it is
essential to know and include in your data analysis information about
first choice college so that you can rule out the possibility
that all, or part, of the difference is simply a consequence of ethnic
minority candidates being more ambitious in their college choices.
If you can eliminate both of these factors as possible explanations, you
have a smoking gun and attention could fairly be focused on what else
goes on in the rest of the admission process that might be
disadvantaging one group or another. I don't want to comment
specifically about what goes on in medicine for the simple fact that I
don't know anything about it. Closer to home in the social sciences my
own preference would be for admission without an entrance interview only
after the A2 grades are known and a lottery
amongst those who have passed a threshold level of grade acceptability.
But it is easy for me to say that as I don't have to reorganize the
UK's daft UCAS system or indeed give undergraduate tutorials. I suspect
this is far from the mainstream view amongst
undergraduate tutors, but to find out you will have to ask them.
I don't know if any of this will be useful to you, but it was interesting.
all best
Later in the day I got a reply:
Hi Colin
Thanks for looking at the data and for you comments! I think the
confidence level goes down when one looks at each individual grade set
for an individual subject because the sample size becomes very small.
What is most striking is how the same pattern of success
rates is seen in different subjects and in the overall data.
Regarding your other comments, the following is my personal view (not the newspaper's, etc.):
I personally would disagree. I think figures suggest a major problem,
for whatever reason- even if conscious or unconscious bias does not
exist- which I think is unlikely-, the process as a
whole definitely discriminates, at least in terms of outcome, in favour,
and very substantially, of the majority race. The end result is a white
applicant with lower grades has a higher chance of admission than an
ethnic minority applicant. Frankly I think that is a real shame and one
the university ought to be actively addressing.
I understand the difficulty admissions tutors have without A level
grades at time of decision making. However it would be worthwhile
noting, 1., A level results correlate really well with admission
success. Having 3 A*s as opposed to AAA seem to increase ones
chances by a factor 3 to 5 fold.
2. A high performing student at A level, it is reasonable to believe,
will have prior grades and recommendations that reflect that. If the
prior information doesn't, then one wonders why admissions tutors use
it. I can see an attempt could be made for the
buck could be passed to schools for under-predicting A level scores.
Also, I don't think the choice of college is supposed to (officially
anyway) make a difference in the success rate. If it does the university
either should take steps to eliminate it, or change its official
position. Also the idea that ethnic minorities are
more likely to apply for the more competitive colleges lacks evidence,
and in my mind credibility.
If anecdotal evidence is anything to go by, ethnic minorities, in
Cambridge anyway, weren't that numerous in the more prestigious
colleges, and it was the so called poorer colleges that
celebrated multicultural diversity and an 'international feel'. I had a
friend who was in Merton who told me he only saw one black student
there in the 4 years he spent at Oxford. I'll leave it for the
university to conduct an investigation.
years Oxford and Cambridge claimed ethnic minorities have lower success
rates because they apply to more competitive courses.
Neither ever felt the need to release the data to substantiate that
claim- which is why I asked for it. Now that explanation has been
debunked, I suppose, like the mythical hydra's neck, new
unsubstantiated explanations will arise- the general presuposition
being any explanation is more likely than the possibility that dons or
the system have a racial bias, and a theoretically
unsurmountable burden of proof
needs to be overcome before recognition that a bias is granted.
is racial bias is well documented in this country. Ethnic minorities
are the 'first to be fired, and the last to be hired' in the job
market. They are disproportionately
over-qualified and earn on average far less. Ofsted reported ethnic
minorities are undermarked in university modules by up to 12 percent
when anonymous marking isn't used . Chinese graduates earn, in spite of
better qualifications, 25% less than white peers.
I could go on.
Either way, in my opinion, interviews should be scrapped. I don't trust, especially given
the figures, the dons to be impartial. I think there should
be anonymously marked - quite difficult- entrance exams. I think a
will harm the prestige of the university and I can't see how it could
differentiate between the top performing candidates. Alternatively
admission could be purely based on A level module marks. Cambridge has
been going on about for sometime how A level module
marks (as opposed to grade divisions) are the best predictors of degree
Anyway, these are just my personal opinions, and not at all related to
the hopefully impending news story. Thanks getting back to me!
Best wishes
What I get from this is a strong sense of a conclusion in search of some evidence. OK, fine, it's journalism after all and that's the difference between advocacy and scientific research. I think the danger is though that strong beliefs can get in the way of diagnosing where the problem is and even if there is a problem at all. I'll post again with some more thoughts on what needs to be done to figure out whether there is actually a story here.